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Learn by testing how much you know

WizQuiz is a new technology we created that will teach you about certain topics, while you answer a series of questions. You will learn new information and evaluate how much you already know.

Every week you will see at least one new WizQuiz available. They will cover topics such as nutrition, fitness, health management, medical conditions and more.

WizQuiz - 10 Questions:

Come back every week for a new WizQuiz!

Do you know what is good for you?

Q1. Too much sodium in your diet can cause:

Increased blood pressure
Increased blood volume causing your heart to work harder
Retension of fluid
All of the above

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The content provided on this web site is for information purposes only. It is intended to provide tools and reference material and is not designed to provide medical advice. Please consult your healthcare provider regarding any medical issues you have relating to symptoms, conditions, diseases, diagnosis, treatments, and side effects.

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